The 3-day official launch of The Grace Foundation America (in Philo, California, September 2015) was in equal parts a conference and a think tank on the Healing Biotopes vision as well as the sparking moment for the circle of allies that has since formed around our work. The event immersed participants into the ecological, technological, erotic, political and economic aspects of a future culture. Key visionaries for Terra Nova, Sabine Lichtenfels, Bernd Müller, and Jürgen Kleinwächter each offered their vast spectrum of knowledge, offering possibilities for the radical redesign of human society. Charles Eisenstein beautifully contributed his work in the realm of transforming our thinking about money, economy and especially value. 


At the opening evening, our highest hopes were met by the outstanding sense of planetary solidarity that was created in an instant. Each of the 35 participants gave a 2-minute introduction of themselves and their work. Although only the introductory round, the atmosphere was one of genuine global service for the cultural transformation of our times. Without being designed as a conventional fundraiser, the days which followed created “gifting moments” towards seeding the idea of Healing Biotopes in North America. Much of what was given followed the inspiration of a participant: she was so moved by the principles of water retention that she wanted to see the gifts match that principle: a steady flow, like a truly healing water flow, with accumulated pledges over 3 years for $200K. We are also grateful that, in the spirit of reciprocal relationship, we could give back to Riversbend Retreat Center, our hosting site, by offering consultation for regenerative ecological measures. 
Additionally to this event, a team of co-workers from the Tamera Healing Biotope toured the US West Coast for six weeks. They hosted two sold-out “Love Schools” in Oakland, CA (each a hundred participants) and ten evening events across California and Oregon for the book “Terra Nova – Global Revolution and the Healing of Love” by Dieter Duhm. Being a major contribution to building a field for the idea of Healing Biotopes, The Grace Foundation supported the production of the entire journey and events with a total of $15K. The income of the Oakland Love School events has generously been re-donated to The Grace Foundation.