Practical Models

We support the building of practical models in order to stimulate and showcase the possiblity of regional autonomy. Our interest includes and reaches beyond self-sufficiency and the implementation of sustainable practices; we look for models of new cultures of living and working which are also regenerative. Given the global food, water and energy crisis, we see this as core to humanity’s survival. These centres of examplary practice are the material expression of Terra Nova. They offer an urgently needed perspective to millions of people who are not finding a promising future in cities and are important as adaptable templates for disaster relief interventions in crisis areas.

Such models of regenerative living include:

Water Security & Landscape Healing

We support water security and landscape healing through erosion control, water retention interventions, wastewater management and reforestation.

Food Security

Food Security

We support food security through rural and urban Permaculture and seed saving.

Energy Security

We support energy security through the use of renewable sources such as solar technologies and biogas.

Models for regional autonomy reintegrate human activity into the bigger world we live in. The felt experience of living with and from our natural resources brings us to understand our unbreakable interconnection with the larger body of life and its natural cycles. In these models technology, ecology and human life form a complex synthesis and support our sense of belonging and responsibility. We are given back our our natural value system. Clear water, healthy soil, fresh air, clean energy and trust within our community naturally are of far greater value than monetary profit. We start to again value ecology as the original matter, the source of life, more highly than the derivatives and contrivances sold back to us as commodities.