In October, Benjamin von Mendelssohn, director of The Grace Foundation, was invited to London’s “Alternatives” series in St James cathedral. “Alternatives” has been the UK’s most renowned platform for innovative thinkers for over 30 years. After a successful speech about the Healing Biotopes vision and Tamera in front of 200 people, The Grace Foundation invited a group of 16 donors and long-term political allies for a supporters’ dinner. The evening was both a gift back to our supporters, as well as an inspired and inspiring conversation on the question of “How do I live my passion to the highest well-being of the whole in these times of massive transformation?”
Some highlights:

– Models for the regenerative design of refugee camps were discussed as a key necessity and potential turn in the horrific refugee situation in Europe. We were grateful for the confirmed resonance to this idea, as we plan to put the Blueprint200 project fully in the focus of 2017.
– The evening was also characterized by strong women’s voices speaking for the need of political work to include the full scope of human needs. Community building, education in the realms of love, sexuality, conflict resolution and trust building thus became a focus of the conversation.
– Five participants of the event pledged on the spot their participation in Tamera’s Global Love School 2017 in order to deepen these conversations and their connection of political and human work.